AUGUSTUM – адвокатське об'єднання
Corporate, M&A and Securities
We build an effective corporate structure
A well-built corporate structure is the key to successful business, as well as a guarantee of a fair and long-term partnership.

We have significant practical experience in developing corporate governance structures for various types of enterprises and groups of companies.

We will help protect the rights of a minority, majority participant of a legal entity in the event of a corporate conflict, raider capture, protect the interests of clients in building business partnerships at the stage of business creation, etc.
● development of strategy and preparation of all necessary documents for protection of the rights of the enterprise’s participant, co-owner of group of companies;

● protection of the interests of an enterprise’s participant enterprise’s participant or group of companies in case of corporate conflict, raider attacks, etc .;

● analysis and consulting on improving corporate governance of the enterprise, a group of companies;

● bringing the corporate governance system in line with current legislation of Ukraine;

● comprehensive support of reorganization of a group of enterprises;

● comprehensive support of any corporate changes in the enterprise and in the group of companies;

● support of shareholders' meetings taking into account current issues.
Taking into account the latest requests of our clients, we offer:
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Contact us
14 Voznesenskii uzviz,
office 16/54
04053 Kyiv, Ukraine

+38 044 221 66 07
[email protected]
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